@ARTICLE{26543120_216083464_1997, author = {Alexey Ponomarenko}, keywords = {, market economy, macroeconomic indicator, National Accounts, macroeconomic model, institutional unitinstitutional sector}, title = {

Lectures: System of National Accounts

}, journal = {HSE Economic Journal }, year = {1997}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {78-103}, url = {https://ej.hse.ru/en/1997-1-2/216083464.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The journal continues to publish a series of lectures on national accounts, a complex macroeconomic model that forms the basis of economic statistics in most market economies. The system of national accounts is also being implemented in Russia. The system of national accounts is also being implemented in Russia. The lectures address methodological problems of national accounts, as well as some practical issues.}, annote = {The journal continues to publish a series of lectures on national accounts, a complex macroeconomic model that forms the basis of economic statistics in most market economies. The system of national accounts is also being implemented in Russia. The system of national accounts is also being implemented in Russia. The lectures address methodological problems of national accounts, as well as some practical issues.} }