@ARTICLE{26543120_26560992_1998, author = {Yu. Ivanov and T. Khomenko}, keywords = {, savings statistics, the system of national accounts, the main macroeconomic indicatorsavings of the population}, title = {

Problems and methods of population savings statistics in accordance with SNA concepts

}, journal = {HSE Economic Journal }, year = {1998}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {508-515}, url = {https://ej.hse.ru/en/1998-2-4/26560992.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article considers a set of issues of methodology of calculation of the indicator of saving of the population as one of the important indicators of macroeconomic statistics; proposals for improving the methodology of official statistics of saving and bringing it in line with the fundamental concepts and definitions of the 1993 SNA.}, annote = {The article considers a set of issues of methodology of calculation of the indicator of saving of the population as one of the important indicators of macroeconomic statistics; proposals for improving the methodology of official statistics of saving and bringing it in line with the fundamental concepts and definitions of the 1993 SNA.} }