@ARTICLE{26543120_26559547_2000, author = {Mitch Mokhtari and Selçuk Caner and V. Kontorovich}, keywords = {, debt, non-payment system, Russia, econometric analysis, wage arrearstax debt}, title = {

An Aconometric Analysis of the Areas Problem in the Russian Federation

}, journal = {HSE Economic Journal }, year = {2000}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {3-26}, url = {https://ej.hse.ru/en/2000-4-1/26559547.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The paper examines the relationship between the individual components of officially registered non-payments-overdue accounts receivable of enterprises, tax arrears and wage arrears. The unsteadiness of the series of these values is revealed. A number of hypotheses about the causes of non-payments and their impact on the development of the country's economy are considered. It is concluded that the main long-term factor of the continuing accumulation of debt (non-payments) in the Russian economy is the insufficient development of the institutional environment.}, annote = {The paper examines the relationship between the individual components of officially registered non-payments-overdue accounts receivable of enterprises, tax arrears and wage arrears. The unsteadiness of the series of these values is revealed. A number of hypotheses about the causes of non-payments and their impact on the development of the country's economy are considered. It is concluded that the main long-term factor of the continuing accumulation of debt (non-payments) in the Russian economy is the insufficient development of the institutional environment.} }