@ARTICLE{26543120_26560877_2001, author = {Igor' Ul'yanov and Elena Shustova and Elena Savochkina}, keywords = {, Goskomstat, index, dynamics, industrial production, Goskomstat dataindustry}, title = {
Prerequisitis and Results of the Revision of the Industrial Production Index
}, journal = {HSE Economic Journal }, year = {2001}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {375-389}, url = {https://ej.hse.ru/en/2001-5-3/26560877.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In June 2001, Goskomstat published updated estimates of the dynamics of industrial production, made in connection with the transfer of the calculation of the industrial production index to the new base year. In this article, its authors, who participated in this work, analyze the circumstances that led to the need to change the base year in the index calculations. The mechanisms of influence of this change on the resulting index values are considered, as well as some measures that have improved their accuracy.}, annote = {In June 2001, Goskomstat published updated estimates of the dynamics of industrial production, made in connection with the transfer of the calculation of the industrial production index to the new base year. In this article, its authors, who participated in this work, analyze the circumstances that led to the need to change the base year in the index calculations. The mechanisms of influence of this change on the resulting index values are considered, as well as some measures that have improved their accuracy.} }