@ARTICLE{26543120_995814873_2024, author = {Van Bon Nguyen}, keywords = {, public spending, private investment, developing economiesGMM Arellano – Bond estimators}, title = {The Influence of Public Spending on Private Investment in Developing Economies: Does Institutional Quality Matter?}, journal = {HSE Economic Journal }, year = {2024}, volume = {28}, number = {4}, pages = {647-663}, url = {https://ej.hse.ru/en/2024-28-4/995814873.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The role of institutional quality in the relationship between public spending and private investment is a controversial theme because institutional quality can mitigate the crowding-out impact of government expenditure on the private sec tor's investment. Does institutional quality contribute to public spending - private investment nexus in developing countries? This paper provides the answer by studying the role of governance quality in government spending - private investment nexus for a panel dataset of 98 developing countries over the period 2002-2020. It uses the system/difference GMM estimators for robustness checks and estimation. The empirical results seem counter-intuitive. Institutional quality and public spending increase private investment, while interaction decreases. The paper looks at somearguments to explain and suggests policy implications to improve institutional quality and enhance private investment.}, annote = {The role of institutional quality in the relationship between public spending and private investment is a controversial theme because institutional quality can mitigate the crowding-out impact of government expenditure on the private sec tor's investment. Does institutional quality contribute to public spending - private investment nexus in developing countries? This paper provides the answer by studying the role of governance quality in government spending - private investment nexus for a panel dataset of 98 developing countries over the period 2002-2020. It uses the system/difference GMM estimators for robustness checks and estimation. The empirical results seem counter-intuitive. Institutional quality and public spending increase private investment, while interaction decreases. The paper looks at somearguments to explain and suggests policy implications to improve institutional quality and enhance private investment.} }