Publisher and Distributor Address 33, bldg. 4, Profsouznay str., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics Теl: (495) 772-95-90 * 15298; e-mail:
In the work on the basis of real information concerning the activities of Russian industrial enterprises, the quantitative and qualitative changes in the competitiveness of production are studied. Comparison of the existing market priorities and structure of competitive features of products allowed to define the most perspective directions of increase of competitiveness.
Gurkov I., Mikhaylyuk M., Titova N. (1997) Dinamika i tendentsii izmeneniya konkurentosposobnosti rossiyskoy produktsii [Dynamics and trends of changes in the competitiveness of Russian products]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 1, no 1, pp. 60-74 (in Russian)