Publisher and Distributor Address 33, bldg. 4, Profsouznay str., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics Теl: (495) 772-95-90 * 15298; e-mail:
The course "system of national accounts" includes 16 lectures and is designed for 36 academic hours of classroom time. It is intended for students of economic specialties, gives an idea of the basic definitions, methodological approaches, as well as sources of information and the organization of data for the calculation of SNA indicators. The lecture covers the issue of interpretation of economic indicators, national accounts, and their relationships with other macroeconomic models. The lectures also consider many practical and theoretical problems of building the SNA faced by the statistical authorities of Russia and other countries that build national accounts, as well as relevant international organizations and individual researchers.
Ponomarenko A. (1997) Lektsii. Sistema natsional'nykh schetov [Lectures. The system of national accounts]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 1, no 1, pp. 96-120 (in Russian)