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The paper analyzes the accuracy of measuring the growth of Russian consumer prices by consumer price indices (CPI) of the state statistics Committee of Russia, first of all, the possibility of bias in them. It is shown that due to objective reasons, the accuracy of measuring the growth of Russian consumer prices during the period of economic reforms is low, which should be taken into account when using the CPI of Goskomstat. It is also shown that some features of the Goskomstat method can lead, and most likely lead, to a significant overestimation of the price increase in 1992-1993 by the Goskomstat. In this case, the dynamics of all Russian indicators in comparable prices obtained using the CPI of Goskomstat needs to be clarified in favor of significantly less pessimistic estimates of their changes after price liberalization. Recommendations on modification of the CPI calculation method to eliminate the detected displacements are formulated.
Bessonov V. (1998) O smeshcheniyakh v otsenkakh rosta rossiyskikh potrebitel'skikh tsen [Biases in Estimations of Growth of Russian Consumer Prices]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 2, no 1, pp. 31-66 (in Russian)