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Journal's Indexing
S Artamonov,
Aleksandr Dyatlov
Optimization of Firm’s Marketing Budget Using S-curve Models of Demand
The work is devoted to the study of the application of the technique of S-curves in the analysis of the effectiveness of the marketing budget. The problem of optimization of marketing costs in the approximation of the logistic curve of the demand function is considered. A new model is proposed that allows more flexible interpretation of market data.
Artamonov S., Dyatlov A. (1999) Optimizatsiya marketingovogo byudzheta firmy s ispol'zovaniem modeley S-obraznykh krivykh funktsii sprosa [Optimization of Firm’s Marketing Budget Using S-curve Models of Demand]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 3, no 4, pp. 529-542 (in Russian)