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L Strizhkova
Some Aspects of Analytic Possibilities of Balance of Payments Instrumentary
In this study, the proposed approach to the formation on the basis of the balance of payments of a number of indicators that allow to describe General trends in the directions of structural changes in the sphere of foreign economic relations and to assess the dynamics of the process of Russia's integration into the global economic system. Our indicators are designed for use in analytical processes and focused on identifying the positive and negative (from the standpoint of the adopted evaluation criteria) changes in the volume of foreign trade operations sectors of the economy, as well as provide estimates of their impact on the overall level of "rational" activity on attraction and use of resources involved in foreign trade exchange with Russia.
Strizhkova L. (2000) Nekotorye aspekty analiticheskikh vozmozhnostey instrumentariya platezhnogo balansa [Some Aspects of Analytic Possibilities of Balance of Payments Instrumentary]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 4, no 1, pp. 27-41 (in Russian)