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Reconstruction of adequate statistics of the Soviet period was the task of numerous studies both in our country and abroad. This work contains reconstructed statistical indicators of Russian macroeconomics in 1961-1990, calculated by joint efforts of Russian and Japanese researchers with the support of the state statistics Committee of Russia and The government of Japan. The main part of the calculations was performed in 1998-2000 at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo. Early versions of the work were partially published in Russia and abroad, and formed the basis for a number of journal articles and speeches at international conferences and seminars. Statistical data are accompanied by detailed methodological explanations and comments.
Ponomarenko A. (2000) Istoricheskie natsional'nye scheta Rossii: 1961-1990 gg [Historical National Accounts of Russia: 1961-1990]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 4, no 4, pp. 505-527 (in Russian)