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Research Institute of Goskomstat of Russia, 44, Izmailovo highway, Moscow, 105187, Russia
Generalized Model of the Profile Labor Intensity for Estimation of Number of Employed Persons in the Production Process of Input-Output Commodities and Households
Generalized model of the profile labor intensity is offered which may be modified in dependence of presence of statistical information and purposes of research. Initial variant of model was characterized and applied to data for Russia in [17, 18]. The model allows estimate number of employed persons in the production process of input-output commodities and households by using information about employed persons in the industries and system I nput-Output tables . The results of accounts for 1995 are presented.
Ershov E., Tolmacheva N. (2004) Obobshchennaya model' profil'nykh trudoemkostey dlya otsenivaniya chislennosti zanyatykh v otraslyakh mezhotraslevogo balansa i domashnikh khozyaystvakh [Generalized Model of the Profile Labor Intensity for Estimation of Number of Employed Persons in the Production Process of Input-Output Commodities and Households]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 8, no 2, pp. 163-196 (in Russian)