Vladimir Gimpelson1Temporary Employment in Russia: Data, Incidence, Dynamics and Diffusion
Vol. 8.
No. 2.
P. 225–245
[issue contents]
Labor relations were strongly regulated in Soviet economy and non-standard working arrangements as a rule were not allowed. In 1992, the labor market was largely deregulated but a wide use of fixed-term contacts still remains very restricted. The 2002 Labor Code made only marginal changes in this policy. These restrictions are however poorly enforced and may not work outside unionized and well monitored large and medium sized enterprises. In this paper, using the LFS micro-data we explore the evolution of temporary employment in Russia during the last 10 years. We show its gradual rise and distribution across major socio-demographic and occupational groups in the Russian labor force. We conclude that the rate of non-permanent employment is comparable with that on average in the OECD countries.
Gimpelson V. (2004) Vremennaya zanyatost' v Rossii: dannye, uroven', dinamika, rasprostranennost' [Temporary Employment in Russia: Data, Incidence, Dynamics and Diffusion]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 8, no 2, pp. 225-245 (in Russian)