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In the economic science of the XX century, Vasily Leontiev occupies an outstanding place. After receiving his education and starting research in Russia, he launched his main research projects in the United States, which then covered many countries. V. V. Leontiev is the creator of a deep and extensive theory of structural analysis of economic systems (Input – Output Analysis).For several decades he was the organizer and true leader of the international community of like-minded economists, and an adviser to many governments. In 1973 Leontiev was awarded the Nobel prize in Economics. V. V. Leontiev, one of the few even among the outstanding scientists-economists, managed to harmoniously combine theoretical analysis with applied economic work in countries with a variety of socio-economic structures.
Granberg A. (2006) Vasiliy Leont'ev v mirovoy i otechestvennoy ekonomicheskoy nauke [Vassily Leontief in a World and Domestic Economic Science]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 10, no 3, pp. 471-491 (in Russian)