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The paper focuses on the issue of price endogeneity and its relation to various micro-economic characteristics of households. The modeling of intergroup dynamics of the price index for food and nutrition among household groups in relation to the amount of expenditure on food per person confirms the relevant hypothesis. This modeling re qui res the access to the information in the household surveys data, available o nly in the RLMS. The mechanism of data consolidation of RLMS and Households’ budgets survey by Rosstat (VOBDH) is proposed and can also be used for price heterogeneity incurporation.
Matytsin M S (2010) Modelirovanie mezhgruppovogo indeksa tsen pokupok produktov pitaniya v zavisimosti ot mikroekonomicheskikh kharakteristik domashnikh khozyaystv [Modeling of Intergroup Price Index for Food and Nutrition, in Relation to Microeconomic Characteristics of Households] Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal VShE, 4, pp. 507-531 (in Russian)