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The problem of evaluation of the real power of players when they make collective decisions is considered. The new model of the real power evaluation is proposed. The basics of the new model are: modification of the classical power Shapley – Shubik index for accounting of possibility of coalition formation, adding of the new index of the position of coincidence which is evaluating the closeness of the political position of groups and faction, and the new developed index of power efficiency. The index of power efficiency shows to what extend the players exercised their potential power which depends on the number of their votes. Besides, a new way of accounting the impact of cohesion of groups and factions in their final power score is proposed. This model is applied for the evaluation of the power distribution at the Russian State Duma of the 3d convocation.
Sokolova A. (2011) Model' otsenki real'nogo vliyaniya grupp i fraktsiy na primere Gosudarstvennoy Dumy RF tret'ego sozyva [The Model of the Real Power Evaluation of Groups and Faction by the Example of the Russian State Duma of Third Convocation]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 15, no 1, pp. 111-127 (in Russian)