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This article may be characterized as an analysis of the significance of global food prob lem on the current stage of world economy´s development. In this work the term «global food prob lem» means unprecedented rise of world food price in the late XX – early XXI century, which make starve poor people in most countries. The author adduces the theoretical methods of approach ing the global food problem, discloses the factors, which are the basis of this problem, describes the ways of mitigation of its impact on world economy. The article also contains the demarcation of the following terms: «food problem» and «food security». In the conclusion the author states that the main reason for the aggravation of the global food problem is a lack of investment to the applied agricultural sciences, which causes the inefficient use of resources. The conclusion also contains the ways of solving this problem.
(2013) Rol' prodovol'stvennoy problemy v sovremennoy mirovoy ekonomike [The Role of Global Food Problem in the Modern World Econom]. HSE Economic Journal, 3, pp. 563-580 (in Russian)