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The paper studies the evolution of inequality in the distribution of work between Russian households using data from RLMS HSE for 1994–2014. Following [Gregg, Wadsworth, 2008], I estimate disparities between individual and household-based measures of joblessness and compare actual household workless rates with counterfactuals based on a random distribution of work. My findings show that the Russian labor market is characterized by low extent of inequality between households in access to employment. There are fewer workless households than expected if employment were randomly allocated. Only 6–7 percent of working-age adults live in workless households. The workless household rate remained at approximately 10 percent for the whole period. Cyclical fluctuations are less pronounced for the household-based workless rates than for individual-based rates suggesting that households have internal resources to cope with macroeconomic shocks. Low inequality in distribution of work is explained largely by persistently high level of employment in two-adult households: the common pattern is that both adults work in such households and this household type makes up the largest share of households. The actual workless household rate hardly changed over the period, which masks various offsetting forces. Changes in the household structure (growing share of single-adult households) and labor market developments (increase in the individual workless rate) contributed to the rise of the predicted workless rate. This rise was offset by a falling polarization of work across Russian households. Expansion of higher education contributed to the concentration of employment in the better-educated households.
Lukiyanova A. (2016) Neravenstvo v raspredelenii zanyatosti mezhdu rossiyskimi domashnimi khozyaystvami [Inequality in the Distribution of Work between Russian Households]. HSE Economic Journal, vol. 20, no 3, pp. 415-441 (in Russian)