Publisher and Distributor Address 33, bldg. 4, Profsouznay str., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics Теl: (495) 772-95-90 * 15298; e-mail:
The journal ends publication of a course of lectures on models of macroeconomics, which for a number of years is read by Professor Smirnov A.D. in the first year of master's degree at the State University of Higher school of Economics. Lectures can be used by students and postgraduates of economic faculties of universities to study economic theory, macroeconomic modeling and problems of transition economy.
Smirnov A. (2000) Lektsii po modelyam makroekonomiki [Lectures on Macroeconomic Models]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 4, no 1, pp. 87-122 (in Russian)