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University of Maryland, College Park, United States of America, Maryland, Prince George County, Washington, University of Maryland College Park Quarter
International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431, USA
An Aconometric Analysis of the Areas Problem in the Russian Federation
The paper examines the relationship between the individual components of officially registered non-payments-overdue accounts receivable of enterprises, tax arrears and wage arrears. The unsteadiness of the series of these values is revealed. A number of hypotheses about the causes of non-payments and their impact on the development of the country's economy are considered. It is concluded that the main long-term factor of the continuing accumulation of debt (non-payments) in the Russian economy is the insufficient development of the institutional environment.
Mokhtari M., Caner S., Kontorovich V. (2000) Ekonometricheskiy analiz neplatezhey v Rossii [An Aconometric Analysis of the Areas Problem in the Russian Federation]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 4, no 1, pp. 3-26 (in Russian)