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Andrey Zemnitskiy
The Assessment of Expected Outcomes of Russian Accession to the WTO for Russian Financial Sector
The article discusses the possible consequences of Russia's accession to the world trade organization for the financial services sector. Based on the study of the characteristics of this sector and the economic nature of non-tariff barriers existing in it, the degree of change in the price of financial services for end users after the elimination of non-tariff restrictions and the transition of the Russian financial sector to a new equilibrium state is determined. It follows from the results of calculations that in case of complete elimination of non-tariff barriers for financial institutions with foreign capital in Russia, the price of banking services for consumers may decrease by 15-18%, and taking into account the elimination of X-inefficiency of Russian banks - by 21-28%.
Zemnitskiy A. (2001) Otsenka vozmozhnykh posledstviy prisoedineniya Rossii k VTO dlya sektora finansovykh uslug rossiyskoy ekonomiki [The Assessment of Expected Outcomes of Russian Accession to the WTO for Russian Financial Sector]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 5, no 4, pp. 533-563 (in Russian)