
Boris Lavrovskiy, A Novikov

Regional Equalization and Interbudgetary Relations: Lessons from the 1990th

2002. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 28–44 [issue contents]

 Based on an empirical analysis of the most important economic and social indicators, estimates of their regional stratification in the 1990s are given. Preliminary conclusions about the relationship of regional differentiation and growth across the country. Special attention is paid to the asymmetry of the investment space. The approaches underlying the transfer mechanism are investigated. The results of experimental calculations of budget equalization, which lead to a classical alternative between greater homogeneity of the regional space and a greater average security of the population with social benefits, are presented.

Citation: Lavrovskiy B., Novikov A. (2002) Regional'noe vyravnivanie i mezhbyudzhetnye otnosheniya: uroki 1990-kh [Regional Equalization and Interbudgetary Relations: Lessons from the 1990th]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 6, no 1, pp. 28-44 (in Russian)
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