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In this paper we consider the conditions of creation of new small enterprises using French individual firm data of program SINE (System of Information about New Enterprises). On the basis of an illustrative microeconomic model of firm’s creation the econometric frameworks for the formation and interrelation of initial capita, bank credit and different types of public assistance are developed. The econometric model was estimated using contemporary simulated-based estimation techniques, namely GHK-simulator. Within the framework of the advanced hypotheses, the estimation was performed separately for three different groups of entrepreneurs – the former employed, short-term and long-term unemployed. The obtained results can be used for modeling post-entry dynamics of the enterprises, besides our findings can be taken into consideration while designing and assessing the public programs in the field of industrial dynamics.
Arshakuni K. (2005) Protsessy vozniknoveniya i stanovleniya novykh malykh predpriyatiy. Ekonometricheskoe issledovanie nachal'nykh usloviy genezisa na baze individual'nykh dannykh [The Emergence of New Enterprises: Initial Conditions of their Genesis]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 9, no 1, pp. 17-49 (in Russian)