Pavel Rudnik1Price Competition in a High-Tech Industry for the Period of Process Portfolio Enlargement
Vol. 11.
No. 4.
P. 520–537
[issue contents]
One of the main tasks that high-tech companies management face is to determine the values of functional product characteristics that would allow a company to maximaze its profit. The problem of coordination between R&D programs target parameters and high-tech companies strategic financial goals is discussed within the frame of industrial organization, particularly, its part which conserns markets for vertically differentiated products. This article deals with ecomomic-mathematical model of price competition for a vertically differentiated duopoly featured by the entry of a product which quality is much better than that of another.
Rudnik P. (2007) Tsenovaya konkurentsiya v vysokotekhnologichnoy otrasli v period rasshireniya tekhnologicheskogo portfelya [ Price Competition in a High-Tech Industry for the Period of Process Portfolio Enlargement]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 11, no 4, pp. 520-537 (in Russian)