
Svetlana Avdasheva1, Andrew Shastitko2, Elena Kalmychkova1
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • 2 Center for Competition and Economic regulation research of RANEPA , 82 Vernadsky av., Moscow, 117571, Russia

Economic Analysis of Russian Antitrust Policy, International Perspective

2007. Vol. 11. No. 4. P. 562–610 [issue contents]
In this issue the lecture course «An Economic Analysis of Russian Antitrust Po­licy in the International Perspective» is continued. The issue contains two lectures. The first lecture (lecture number 9) considers the economic theory of dominance and strategies of dominant firm those can be considered as abusive in the antitrust poli­cy. The main goal here is to assess the impact of specific strategy on social welfare in the short- and long-run. The second lecture of the topic (lecture number 10) analyzes the legal rules aimed at preventing abuse of dominance and/or monopolization of the mar­kets. As in other lectures, we will compare legal rules applied in USA and EU. We also will focus on changes introduced in the Russian antitrust legislation on dominance and abuse of dominance by new RF Law «On Protection of Competition» (2006).
Citation: Avdasheva S., Shastitko A., Kalmychkova E. (2007) Ekonomicheskie osnovy antimonopol'noy politiki: rossiyskaya praktika v kontekste mirovogo opyta [Economic Analysis of Russian Antitrust Policy, International Perspective]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 11, no 4, pp. 562-610 (in Russian)
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