Henry Penikas1,2Consumer Behavior Evolution Analysis in Russia during 2000–2005
Vol. 12.
No. 4.
P. 512–542
[issue contents]
The paper aims at researching the consumer behavior evolution of different household groups. The paper provides a detailed comparison of two opposite approaches to homogenous consumer groups identification. The first approach deals with the segmentation based on socio-economic characteristics. Meanwhile the second considers the consumer choice made by the household. The comparison highlights the advantages of the second approach as it brings more robust and less dispersed groups in terms of consumer behavior. The mentioned advantages are traced when analysis the evolution of budget coefficients and the income elasticity of demand of different froups.
Penikas G. (2008) Analiz evolyutsii potrebitel'skogo povedeniya v Rossii za period 2000–2005 gg. [Consumer Behavior Evolution Analysis in Russia during 2000–2005]. Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal VShE, vol. 12, no 4, pp. 512-542 (in Russian)