Publisher and Distributor Address 33, bldg. 4, Profsouznay str., Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics Теl: (495) 772-95-90 * 15298; e-mail:
The article is devoted to classical tracking data analysis conducted to obtain the role of consumer experience, advertising awareness of the brand and competitors’, reputation and others in potential demand driving. One of the key research’ outcomes is approach verification, which allows obtaining hierarchy effects chains for particular brand considering tracking data specific.
The article includes tracking studies methodology detailed explanation and shows its role in marketing planning process. Applied brand health analysis methods rooted in hierarchy effects theory are discussed. Special focus is made on actionable recommendations providing, targeted to advertising efficiency increase.
Ivanova N., Ratnikova T., Trutneva E. (2010) Prikladnoy analiz vliyaniya reklamy na povedenie potrebitelya po dannym trekingovykh issledovaniy [Applied Analysis of Advertising’s Influence on Consumer Behavior Based on the Tracking Research Data]. Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal VShE, vol. 14, no 2, pp. 160-184 (in Russian)