Nikolay Schugal1The Estimates of the Structure of Financial Resources Use in Russian Economy on Macrolevel
Vol. 15.
No. 1.
P. 88–110
[issue contents]
The article refers to the analysis of proportions, which characterize the distribution of macroeconomic financial resources (primary incomes, earnings from abroad и loans) by final use elements in 1996–2008. The estimates of respective flows are based on the model developed in Shugal' and Ershov's article [17]. That model descry bes quantitatively interrelations between the elements of value added and final prod uct. Within the bounds of macroeconomic scenario analysis this article illustrates the use of the model results for estimating marginal effects. These effects reflect the influence of change in financial resources structure on final expenditures and savings structure. Also it is suggested to estimate the deflators of value added elements with the help of the mentioned proportions.
Schugal N. (2011) Otsenki struktury ispol'zovaniya finansovykh resursov v rossiyskoy ekonomike na makrourovne [The Estimates of the Structure of Financial Resources Use in Russian Economy on Macrolevel]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 15, no 1, pp. 88-110 (in Russian)