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The article tells about one of the basic economic theory – the theory of limited resourceson one of the latest and well knows phenomena – US shale gas production. The technological breakthrough, which is by all means a remarkable one, has significantly increased supplies in the US market, which not only caused system changes in the structure of primary and final con sumption, but has also increased the competitiveness of the national economy in general. If currenttrends in shale gas and oil production will remain unchanged, US hydrocarbons exports can greatly influence the existing international trade flows and world markets. Authors also ana lyze one of the most uncertain issues in the modern shale gas production – economy and related instruments, that are widely used to hedge risks, which makes it possible to speak about the new shale hydrocarbons production economy.
(2013) «SlantsevaYa revolYutsiYa» v SShA: vnutrennie i global'nye izmeneniYa na energeticheskikh rynkakh [«Shale Gas Revolution» in U.S.: Internal and External Changes on Energy Markets]. HSE Economic Journal, 3, pp. 487-511 (in Russian)