International experience demonstrates that successful development of national economy is inseparably linked with the use of innovation potential of small business – the most dynamical and flexible sector of economic activity. However, in order to use the maximum extent possible and, consequently, increase the economic return it is necessary to have a profound array of realistic and operational information that includes numerous aspects and entrepreneurial behavior’s motivation. Within a post-crisis business environment its role in socioeconomic development of the country has significantly increased and pointed out the necessity and relevance of researches that study and analyze business climate.
Available Russian statistical data collection reflecting the condition of small business primarily from a quantitative point of view is insufficient not only because of its coverage but also because of estimation methods, which reduces the possibilities of analysis of current changes. Unfortunately, modern studying and analyzing methods of considered subjects show an obvious informational gap in researches that are based on the regular environment surveys. Application of this tool is especially significant for the economy in the circumstances because of the limited opportunities to complete economic information by means of existing quantitative statistical practices.
This paper presents a complex analysis of business climate in the manufacturing industries in 2013. The research is based on sample business environment surveys of more than 2,5 thousand small businesses in the field of industry (sections C, D, and E of the Russian Classification of Economic Activities) conducted by the Federal State Statistics Service for 2008–2013.
Ostapkovich Georgy Vladimirovich, Lola Inna Sergeevna, Kitrar Ludmila Anatolyevna (2014) Postkrizisnye tendentsii razvitiya malykh promyshlennykh organizatsiy Rossii [Trends in Post-crisis Development of Small Industrial Organizations in Russia]. HSE Economic Journal, 1, pp. 133-159 (in Russian)