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The paper offers a new method of decomposition of GDP and its elements. It is based on the idea that every component can be represented as a combination of a smaller number of aggregates. The proposed method has a range of important theoretical properties that insure its correctness and reproduces the statistics with very high quality. The theoretical reasoning of the procedure is presented, 3-product decomposition is analysed. Decomposition of indicators in both current and fixed prices is presented.
The proposed decomposition has a range of advantages compared to earlier procedures. First, it does not link any model products to aggregates, observed in statistics. Second, it decomposes the statistics into a higher number of unobserved products, and these products and their prices can be reasonably interpreted. Finally, the important distinction from earlier procedures in non-linearity in real prices.
Apart from that, the paper proposes a method of harmonization of GDP and its elements statistics that is needed to work with these indicators after two recent methodology changes.
Pilnik N., Radionov S., Stankevich I. (2018) Obobshchennaya mnogoproduktovaya dekompozitsiya elementov ispol'zovaniya VVP Rossii [Generalized Multi-Product Decomposition of Elements of the Use of Russia's GDP]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 22, no 2, pp. 251-274 (in Russian)