
Vladimir Petrov1, Tatiana Katkova1, Sari Karvinen2
  • 1 Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, 5, Institutskiy per., Saint-Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation
  • 2 Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), 6, Yliopistokatu str., Joensuu, FI-80100, Finland

Comparative Analysis of Forestry Economic Indicators of Russia and Finland

2018. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 294–319 [issue contents]

Article is devoted to evolution of forest economics of Russia and Finland and problems of increase in effective forest management in Russia. The purpose of work consists in assessment of tendencies of development of the economic relations in forestry formed within national forest laws and the control systems corresponding to them, on the example of two countries: Russia and Finland. The object of research are the economic relations in forestry formed by national control systems and the forest legislation of the explored countries. The subject of research are economic results of administrative activity of forest management structures of Russia and Finland.

The research is based on system approach to the problems determined by the work purpose with use of methods of the historical analysis, comparison, modern concepts of steady management, foreign and domestic experience of the economic relations in forestry.

Novelty of a research: regularities are revealed and tendencies of development of the forest economics formed on the one hand by supply and demand on forest production and services and, on the other hand, national control systems and the forest legislation of Russia and Finland are estimated.

Forest management is considered from the point of view of ecosystem approach. Ranging of degree of the importance of forest ecosystem services in Russia and Finland, proceeding from a contribution to a gross internal product of each service and assessment of the population is carried out. At assessment of efficiency of forest management the material products received from the woods are the basis.

An assessment of economic efficiency of forest management in Finland, by comparison of expenses and income of forestry is given. The defining factor in formation of the economic relations in forestry of Finland – the standards of the forest right having pronounced ecological contents, traditions, customs. The regularity of development of the economic relations in forestry of Finland which consists in transition from imperative methods of management to dispositive, granting an option of methods of managing to private forest business is revealed.

Negative tendencies in forest management of Russia after the beginning of large-scale administrative reform in the country are analysed. Expenses of the federal budget of the last fifteen years steadily exceed receipts from forest exploitation. In Russia imperative methods of management are based on resource approach, focused on the monetary purposes, don't consider a set of forest ecosystem services.

Results of a research can be used by the scientific organizations which are engaged in forecasting of development of branch economies, the forest companies when forming the economic relations in forestry.

Researches can be continued in the direction of assessment of forest ecosystem services and their inclusion in the system of the economic relations in forestry at the national and international levels.
Citation: Petrov V., Katkova T., Karvinen S. (2018) Sravnitel'nyy analiz ekonomicheskikh pokazateley lesnogo khozyaystva Rossii i Finlyandii [Comparative Analysis of Forestry Economic Indicators of Russia and Finland]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 22, no 2, pp. 294-319 (in Russian)
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