
Nadezhda Rozanova, Marina Ryaskova

Structural Approach Applied to Chemical Industry

2002. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 45–67 [issue contents]

Investigation of relationship and the dynamics of monopoly and competition in the economy of Russia represent a very relevant task for the current stage of the economic policies and practices. 
A few years ago it was about the dominance of monopoly in almost all sectors of the Russian economy. The crisis of August 1998 was the impetus for the formation of fundamentally new phenomena in the economy. The ratio of monopoly and competition began to change in favor of the latter. An important role in this process was played by the substitution of imports with domestic products and, as a result, the rather rapid development of regional markets. 
The purpose of this article is to show the dynamics of monopoly and competition in regional markets on the example of the paint industry. 
The paint industry is chosen as the object of analysis, as it is here that the mechanism of competitive processes manifested itself in the most explicit form. It is known that the products of the industry can be produced at large specialized enterprises, and at relatively small capacities of a local nature, taking into account the specific requirements of specific consumers. . It is this feature of the industry that underlies the development of competitive relations, primarily at the regional level. In addition, this industry is relatively poorly represented in the economic literature, although its structure and evolution are largely indicative of the entire economy.

Citation: Rozanova N., Ryaskova M. (2002) Issledovanie lakokrasochnoy promyshlennosti s ispol'zovaniem strukturnogo podkhoda [Structural Approach Applied to Chemical Industry]. HSE Economic Journal , vol. 6, no 1, pp. 45-67 (in Russian)
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