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Three-product decomposition of national accounts is studied. The starting point is GDP by expenditure which is decomposed into balances of three model products: export, import and interior product. A simplified general equilibrium model with final consumption expenditure and capital formation (including fixed capital formation) presented by CES utility functions of import and interior products, and GDP presented by CES substitution function of interior product and export product is con sidered. Consumption and investment deflators are expressed as conjugate price indices to the mentioned utility and substitution functions. As a result, the initial balances are augmented by four implicit bindings between ten quantities: five components of national accounts by expenditure and five corresponding deflators. These im plicit bindings hold true highly precisely for the last ten years with unsmoothed (sea sonal cycling kept) Russian quarter national accounts statistics.
Vrzheshch V., Pospelov I., Khokhlov M. (2010) Model'noe dezagregirovanie makroekonomicheskoy statistiki [Model National Accounts Desagregation]. Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal VShE, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 88-104 (in Russian)