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The third topic of the lecture course «Firm-Level Empirical Surveys: Tools and Practice» is presented in this issue. The topic «Qualitative information: tools for collection and analysis of data» includes two lectures and describes existing methodology and application of qualitative research to firms behavior studies: in-depth interviews, case-studies and focus groups. Special attention is paid to organization of an empirical survey as a set of in-depth interviews with top-managers of enterprises including methodology, field-work procedures and questionnaires. Limitations and advantages of top-managers interviewing as a tool of collecting qualitative information and its possible distortion are discussed.
Dolgopyatova T. (2008) Empiricheskie obsledovaniya predpriyatiy: metody i praktika [Firm-Level Empirical Surveys: Tools and Practice]. Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal VShE, vol. 12, no 3, pp. 400-432 (in Russian)